elvis head
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elvis head
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Five Sleepy Heads

Words & Music by Sid Tepper, Roy C. Bennett
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Five Sleepy Heads

Words & Music by Sid Tepper, Roy C. Bennett
There were five sleepy heads
All tucked into their beds
While I sang a lullaby
One got dream dust in her eye

There were four sleepyheads
Playing possum with me
Mr. Sandman came by
And then there were three

Moonbeams play peek-a-boo
Three away became two
And my song was almost done
When the land of Nod took one

Kissed the last one goodnight
Then I heard not a peep
There were five sleepyheads
Now they're all fast asleep
More info:
Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett wrote Five Sleepy Heads for Elvis's 1968 film, Speedway, but it was cut from the final print. Supposedly, Five Sleepy Heads was included in prints shown in Malaya. Elvis recorded the tune, which was based on Brahms Lulllaby by Johannes Brahms, in June 1967, at the MGM studios in Culver City, California.


There were five sleepy heads
All tucked into their beds
While I sang a lullaby
One got dream dust in her eye

There were four sleepyheads
Playing possum with me
Mr. Sandman came by
And then there were three

Moonbeams play peek-a-boo
Three away became two
And my song was almost done
When the land of Nod took one

Kissed the last one goodnight
Then I heard not a peep
There were five sleepyheads
Now they're all fast asleep

More info: Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett wrote Five Sleepy Heads for Elvis's 1968 film, Speedway, but it was cut from the final print. Supposedly, Five Sleepy Heads was included in prints shown in Malaya. Elvis recorded the tune, which was based on Brahms Lulllaby by Johannes Brahms, in June 1967, at the MGM studios in Culver City, California.