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Fame And Fortune

Words & Music by Fred Wise, Ben Weisman
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Fame And Fortune

Words & Music by Fred Wise, Ben Weisman
Fame and fortune
How empty they can be
But when I hold you in my arms
That's heaven to me
Who cares for fame and fortune
They're only passing things
But the touch of your lips on mine
Makes me feel like a king

Your kind of love
Is a treasure I hold
It's so much greater
than silver or gold
I know that I have nothing
If you should go away
But to know that you love me
Brings fame and fortune my way
First album:
RCA 47-7740, 1960, Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
First recorded:
RCA Studios, Nashville, March 21, 1960
More info:
Fame and Fortune was recorded by Elvis on March 21, 1960, at RCA's Nashville Studios during his first recording session after being discharged from the Army. Advance orders for the new single (Stuck On You was the flip side) were 1,275,077 – the biggest advance order in history to that date. Five days after recording Fame and Fortune, Elvis sang it during the taping of the Frank Sinatra – Timex Special, Welcome Home, Elvis. That special was telecast on ABC-TV on May 12, 1960. The single release had a 10-week stay on Billboard's Hot 100 chart, peaking at #17. Weeks before Elvis ever walked into the recording studio, picture sleeves of his new single had been prepared. Since RCA had no idea what the song titles were going to be, all that w as mentioned on the picture sleeve was “Elvis 1st New Recording for His 50,000,000 Fans All Over the World”. A hole was cut in the center of the sleeve so that the label of the record would show through, revealing the song titles. Fame And Fortune, Elvis' first true stereo release, was written by Fred Wise and Ben Weisman.


Fame and fortune
How empty they can be
But when I hold you in my arms
That's heaven to me
Who cares for fame and fortune
They're only passing things
But the touch of your lips on mine
Makes me feel like a king

Your kind of love
Is a treasure I hold
It's so much greater
than silver or gold
I know that I have nothing
If you should go away
But to know that you love me
Brings fame and fortune my way

First album:

RCA 47-7740, 1960, Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune

First recorded:

RCA Studios, Nashville, March 21, 1960

More info: Fame and Fortune was recorded by Elvis on March 21, 1960, at RCA's Nashville Studios during his first recording session after being discharged from the Army. Advance orders for the new single (Stuck On You was the flip side) were 1,275,077 – the biggest advance order in history to that date. Five days after recording Fame and Fortune, Elvis sang it during the taping of the Frank Sinatra – Timex Special, Welcome Home, Elvis. That special was telecast on ABC-TV on May 12, 1960. The single release had a 10-week stay on Billboard's Hot 100 chart, peaking at #17. Weeks before Elvis ever walked into the recording studio, picture sleeves of his new single had been prepared. Since RCA had no idea what the song titles were going to be, all that w as mentioned on the picture sleeve was “Elvis 1st New Recording for His 50,000,000 Fans All Over the World”. A hole was cut in the center of the sleeve so that the label of the record would show through, revealing the song titles. Fame And Fortune, Elvis' first true stereo release, was written by Fred Wise and Ben Weisman.